Coaching is aimed at people who want to develop themselves and actively work with themselves. If you know where you want to go, I will guide you there with clear goals and focused on the results.
The goals vary per person:
Work and career
- How do I get more satisfaction from my work?
- How do I find a job that suits me?
- How do I deal with the workload at work?
- I don’t know what I want and I can’t make choices.
- I have physical complaints and the doctor says it’s ‘in my head’.
- What are my qualities?
- How can I better stand up for myself?
- I often feel gloomy, how do I get out of bed full of energy and enthusiasm?
Highly sensitive (HSP)
- I am a father/mother with HSP
- My son/daughter has HSP
- I suffer from my HSP in the workplace
- I have difficulty setting and/or monitoring boundaries
- I have trouble communicating (verbal and non-verbal)
- How do I deal with criticism?
- I have a structural lack of time, how can I set my priorities better?
- I am constantly busy and do not allow myself any rest, how do I change this?
- How can I learn to deal with stress better?